


*you will find the original English article below.






⑴キウイコーチ はどうやってコンタクトを計測するのか?

⑵キウイコーチ はどうやってカーブを計測するのか?



⑴キウイコーチ はどうやってコンタクトを計測するのか?

前回の記事でも述べたように、わたしはトラックマンやフライトスコープを使用して4大スイング要素の該当項目を計測します。このトラックマンやフライトスコープといったデバイスをご存知でない読者のためにここで簡単に概要を説明したいと思います。基本的にこれらのデバイスは、レーダートラッキング技術によりゴルフクラブとゴルフボールの相互作用や飛球を計測します。もしあなたがモノホンのゴルフオタクで、さらに学びたいと思っているなら、トラックマンの公式HPのとある記事をリンクしておくので是非読んでみてください! TrackMan また、私は将来このトラックマンやフライトスコープについて1つのシリーズとしてたくさんの記事を書きたいと思っています。

さて、このトラックマンやフライトスコープではコンタクトを計測するためのデーター項目をSmash Factor(ミート率)と呼びます。このキラキラ用語は、とてもシンプルなコンセプトなんです。本質的にこのミート率はインパクト打撃の効率を表しています。どれだけのエネルギーをボールに与えたのか?ですね。シンプルな公式があり、難しくないので安心してください。ミート率は初速をヘッドスピードで除したものです。初速(Ball Speed)はボールがどれだけ速くクラブフェイスから離れたかです。ヘッドスピードはインパクトでのスイングの速さです。

ではドライバーを使った例で考えてみましょう。ダスティン・ジョンソンがトラックマンを使用して練習しているとします。彼の初速が77.7、そしてクラブヘッドスピードが53.3m /sの場合、数式はこのようになります。【 77.7 / 53.3 = 1.46】これは良い数字なのか、悪い数字なのかどちらでしょう?ドライバーのミート率の場合、1.45 ~1.52が許容範囲です。ですので、ダスティン·ジョンソンとして、これはまあOKな数値ということになります。そしてハンデの高いゴルファーの場合、この数値はかなり良い数値と言えます。個々のハンデが数値の良し悪しを左右すると理解していただければ幸いです。




⑵キウイコーチ はどうやってカーブを計測するのか?





Face Angle: -2

Face to Path: -6


この数値からフェイスの向きは– 2、クラブ軌道は+4、軌道に対するフェイスの向きが (–2)–(4)=(–6)だったと分かます。XY軸で考えると、フェイス向きとクラブ軌道の間の距離は6マス分だと考えることもできます。この場合、フェイスの向きはクラブ軌道より左に向いていたので打球は左にカーブします。次のケースを見ていきましょう。

Club Path: -6

Face Angle: -8

Face to Path: -2













Last article we discussed about our KiwiMSG Theory in a little more detail. We also talked about the Four Swing Elements which I think are crucial for the golfer to accomplish relative to their handicap goals! Now, this article, we will be continuing with the overview of the KiwiMSG Method. Below, you will find the main talking points to this article.

1. How does the Kiwicoach measure Contact…?

2. How does the Kiwicoach measure Curvature…?

How does the Kiwicoach measure Contact….?

So, last article I referenced that I use TrackMan and FlightScope to measure the four swing elements. Real quickly, for the readers who don’t know what these two devices are, I will give you a quick synopsis. Essentially, these devices track the club’s interaction with the golf ball as well as the flight of the golf ball. They do this with radar tracking technology. And, if you are a real golf nerd I will leave a link to an article from TrackMan if you wish to learn more. As well, I will be dedicating a whole sequence of articles on TrackMan / FlightScope in the future.

Now, TrackMan or FlightScope uses this data point called Smash Factor to track contact. This is a fancy term, but is really a quite simple concept. Essentially, Smash Factor is tracking the “Efficiency” of strike. Or, how much energy did the club head transfer to the golf ball. Now, don’t get scared away just yet, I will show you a simple formula. Smash Factor = Ball Speed / Club Speed. So, Ball speed is how fast the ball left the club face. Club Speed, is how fast the club was swinging at the moment of impact.

Let’s give you a simple example using a Driver. Let’s say that Dustin Johnson hit a shot with TrackMan. We’ll say his ball speed was 175 mph, and his club speed was 120 mph. The equation would go as such. 175 mph / 120 mph = 1.46. Now, is this good or bad? Well, with driver any smash factor around 1.45 to 1.52 is an accetaple range. So, for Dustin Johnson this might be okay, where as for a high handicapper this would be very good. I hope you see how understanding your handicap applies directly to what’s good or bad.

Now, for this particular article I will stop the conversation here. However, as you can probably see there is much more information that could be learned about Smash Factor. Which Smash Factor is good for a seven iron, what if I’m a low handicapper, etc. All these questions when answered would lead to a 70 page plus paper that would not be suited for one article. However, we are working on creating some products that help break down this information in a simple way.

How does the Kiwicoach measure Curvature?

Moving on to to curvature! Now, in Japan this is a pretty controversial topic. Currently, the professional golf association of Japan doesn’t even have a section on TrackMan in their current curriculum. This means that if you’ve been taking lessons from a typical driving range instructor they will most likely have no knowledge on this subject.

It’s actually quite interesting, because a very similar occurrence happened in America about 13 years ago when the technology was first introduced. It was shunned by the mainstream golf instruction industry as being scientifically incorrect. However, many of the golf club manufacturers eventually started to adapt the new technology. And, around 2012 it was pretty much mainstream technology that many instructors used. So, hopefully I can help push TrackMan and launch monitors onto the Japanese Professional Golf Association. I think they are long overdue to change.

Moving on to curvature, TrackMan uses something called Face to Path to measure curvature. Now, if you have never heard of this before I will break it down further. Face, stands for Face Angle, or really the direction the sweet spot is pointing at impact relative to the target line. Target line, just simply represents where the intended starting point of the golf ball is.

Path, stands for club path, which just means where the sweet spot was traveling at the moment of impact. So, more simply, was the club traveling to the right of the target line. Or, was the club head traveling to the left of the target line. Now, the relationship of the Face Angle relative to the club path results in the curvature of the golf ball. Essentially, if you have ever seen a soccer player bend the ball around defenders. This is a very similar occurrence you will see with the golf ball.

I’ll give you a couple examples of simple formulas you will see if you ever use TrackMan.

Club Path: +4

Face Angle: -2

Face to Path: -6

So, to make this very simple I always like to think of this as an x y graph. The Face Angle is – 2 which means that it is 6 integers away from the Club Path which is +4. This means that the Face to Path is -6 because the Face Angle is -6 integers away from the club path. Now, because the Face Angle is left of the Club Path or negative integers away from the club path. This means the golf ball will always curve left. Let’s give you one more scenario.

Club Path: -6

Face Angle: -8

Face to Path: -2

Now, the Face Angle is negative 2 integers away from the club path. However, the club path is -6. This means that this player was swinging “over the top”, or outside in. I know many Japanese Instructors will tell you an “outside in” swing produces a slice. However, because the Face Angle is negative integers away from the Club Path this ball actually curved left. 

So, to wrap up this section just understand this simple truth. If the face angle is negative integers away from the club path the ball will always curve left. If the face angle is positive integers away from the club path the ball will always curve right.

Wrap Up

I hope that you enjoyed this information regarding how I measure contact and trajectory. There is so much more that can be discussed about each of these. This is why we are creating webinars and products that will be discussing everything in much more detail.

If you are interested in seeing how I measure Trajectory and Distance control please click to the next article.

Thank you,


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