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”Backswing Wrist Angles… An Amateur Golfer’s Nightmare”


Last article we discussed some downswing motions and positions that affect curvature. This article, we are now moving on to some backswing positions and motions that affect curvature. Below, you will find the main topics to this article.

1. Extension / Pronation Take-Away 

2. Flexion / Supination Take-Away

Extension / Pronation Take-Away

If you haven’t guessed it, we will be focusing solely on the take-away for curvature. Now, that’s not to say that their are many other backswing positions that affect curvature. However, I think for most of you reading this, take away is a great place to start. Now, you’re probably thinking to yourself what the hell is extension or pronation? 

Extension, is when the wrists are in a “Cupped” position. Or, the easier image is when you are doing push ups at the gym. If you look down at the angle your wrist is making this is extension. Now, if we take a golf club and extend our wrists or add extension. We will notice that it opens the face angle (points it right of the target line right handed golfer), but as well it adds loft to the club face (keep this in mind for when we discuss trajectory). Remember, any manipulation to the face angle will result in a change in a potential change in curvature. 

Now, because this manipulation of the face angle is happening in the backswing we still have time to compensate for it on the downswing. However, I hope you understand by now the less compensations the more consistent the golf swing. What about pronation? Well, pronation is when you turn your left wrist clockwise. If you grab a golf club and pronate your left wrist you will notice that the club face will open up (right handed golfer). 

So, imagine now that you are extending your left wrist as well as pronating your left wrist on the take-away section. This would lead to an extremely open face angle which would have to have a massive compensation move to “square” the club face on the downswing. This, is why we brought up this motion in this particular article. It is by far one of the most common take-away motions we see from slicers of the golf ball. 

To wrap this section up, I think it’s fair to note that not all golfer’s will see a negative effect from extension and pronation in the take-away section. However, this discussion will be saved for another series in the future. Again, the KiwiMSG Theory series will be one of many series you can expect from Kiwi Golf Academy. 

Flexion / Supination Take-Away

To start this section off let’s discuss what flexion and supination is first. Simply, flexion is the opposite of extension. So, if you have ever flexed your biceps at the gym you most likely have performed flexion in your wrists. If you take a golf club and now perform the flexion motion you will notice that the loft on the golf club has been reduced. As well, you will notice that the face angle will point more left. 

Next, supination is when your left wrist turns counterclockwise. If you can imagine turning a door knob to the left with your left wrist you will visualize supination. Now, grab a golf club and supinate your left wrist. You will notice that the face angle will point more to the left. Now, just like we discussed with the previous take-away motion this motion will require some major compensations on the downswing to recover. 

Now, to wrap up this section I would also like to state that not all player’s would see negative effects when adding this motion. Again, this will be for another series in the future. However, just realize that for most golfer’s this motion will significantly close the face angle and make it to where the golfer must open the face angle throughout the downswing motion. We see a large percentage of our clients who struggle with a two way miss utilize this motion. It would be absolutely a motion we would discuss in a lesson if we see this. 

Wrap Up 

So, I hope you guys enjoyed this article on the two backswing motions or positions that affect curvature. I hope you are understanding that when it comes to curvature controlling your wrist angles is very important. Like I said, in the future we will have a whole series on how to wrist angles and their affect on the golf club. 

If you found this article valuable, please share it with your friends. We want as many readers as we can reading my blogs! I strongly believe that this series will be incredibly valuable to your ability to change your golf swing. If you have your own blog, please feel free to link to this article as a reference. I’ll see you guys again next article!

Thank you,


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