


You will find the original english article below.






⑵ROC(Rate of Closure)について













⑵ROC(Rate of Closure)について




例えば軌道が(+4)そしてフェイス向きが(-2)だとしましょう。このインパクトでの軌道に対するフェイス向き(Face to Path=FTP)は(-6)です。ここでこのゴルファーは7番アイアンを、40m/sで打っているとしましょう。その場合、このインパクトの数値だと約20y曲がることになります。そして、フェイス向きは(-2)で閉じていたので打球はターゲットラインより左へ飛び出すことになります。これはつまり、打球はターゲットラインより25-30y左へ着弾することになります。













”These Swing Motions Will Kill Your Curvature Control…”


I hope you guys enjoyed the last article, and now have a better understanding of where I am leading you through this KiwiMSG series. Now, this article we will move onto swing positions and motions that effect curvature. Below you will find the main topics to this article.

1. High Handle Epidemic

2. Rate of Closure Discussion

High Handle Epidemic

To start this article off I want to remind everyone about the curvature equation we learned in previous articles. Remember, face to path = curvature. If you feel like you need a brush up on this concept please click here, to be transferred back to our article on how to measure curvature. For everyone else, let’s talk about high handle’s.

A high handle is simply referencing the height of the club shaft at the moment of impact. If you can all grab a golf club right now I will show you how to move the club shaft into a high handle position. First, I want you to raise the “heel” of the golf club off the ground quite drastically. If you have done this correctly this is an extreme case of a high handle. Now, how does this affect curvature?

Well, I now want you to tape a tee onto the sweet spot of the club face. Next, I want you to complete the same raising of the heel off the ground. Now, take a look at the where the tee is now pointing. If you are a right handed golfer you will notice the tee is pointing more to the right than it was when you had the club face flat to the ground. Why is this important guys?

If we can remember that the face angle relative to the club path causes curvature, then we can understand that any motion that changes the face angles direction will result in a manipulation of curvature. Now, I think it’s safe to say that manipulating the club face is not bad whatsoever. However, there are numerous ways to manipulate face angle. And, I find that raising the handle of the club like we are referencing here is one of the most inconsistent ways.

I don’t want to get into all the reasons why a high handle is not the best way to manipulate face angle. That will be dedicated in the Webinars and courses we are creating. However, I do want to give you a real life example of how this motion can really affect your ball flight. Let’s take a slicer for example. Let’s say that this player consistently hits a slice for every club in the bag. Now, we should know that this means that the face angle is positive integers away from the club path (Remember the X,Y graph example).

If the sole goal is to get rid of the slice for this player, than we need to think of ways to manipulate the face angle so that it is pointing negative integers away from the club path. To do this, we must first look at all swing positions or mechanics that could cause an open club face. Let’s pretend that this golfer has a high handle currently in their golf swing. Well, if we can remember that a high handle points the face angle more to the right. As well, this golfer is currently slicing the golf ball… So, it makes complete sense to me that we can target this handle raising and this will help point the face angle more left of the club path. Essentially, helping this golfer cure their slice.

So, I hope you can see the strong correlation that a high handle has to your ability to control your curvature. Again, I think it’s one of the most common motions / positions I see in amateur golf swings. If you’re struggling with a slice, you might want to take a look at your swing and see if you are doing this currently. 

Rate of Closure Discussion

Moving on to the next motion we see affect many amateur golfer and professional golfer swings. This motion is actually more so of a concept and a method we see many Japanese Instructors teach their students. See, in Japan many instructors teach their students to turn the “toe” of the club over rapidly through the impact zone. 

If you don’t know what I’m talking about I want you to grab a golf club again. Take your golf grip, and I want you to rotate your left and right wrist counter clockwise. You will notice that the “toe” of the golf club has turned quite drastically when you do this. Now, why is this such an issue when it comes to curvature? Well, if we can remember that face to path = curvature, we can understand how vital it is to match the face angle to the club path consistently. 

Now, why would Japanese instructors be teaching you to turn the toe of the club face over rapidly throughout the impact zone? Again, face to path = curvature. If you can understand this concept then you would understand that you actually want to be focusing on the face angle not closing rapidly through the impact zone. To further drive this point home I want to bring up a couple more examples of face to path equations. 

Let’s say that we had a Club Path of +4, and a Face Angle of -2. This would give us a face to path of -6. Now, let’s assume this player is hitting a seven iron and swinging the club around 90 mph. This would most likely result in about 20 yards of curvature roughly. As well, let’s remember that since the face angle was closed to the target line the ball would start left of the target line. This means, that the golf ball would have ended up around 25-30 yards left of the target line. Now, let’s take the same equation but now switch the face angle. Club path +4, Face Angle +10, face to path +6. Now, this ball would most likely curve around 20 yards. Again, since the face angle is open to the club path the ball would have started right of the target line. Meaning, this golf ball would have been 25-30 yards right of the target line. 

Now, you’re probably thinking to yourself that 12 degrees difference in face angle sounds like a lot. Well, let’s give you a great visual of what 12 degrees looks like. I want you to take a look at a clock. Now, notice from 12 o’clock to 1 o’clock there are little tiny dashes in between the two times. One of these dashes resembles 3 degrees. So, four of those dashes equals 12 degrees. That’s not that much movement, and it produced two very different shots. As well, the player would have felt like the swing was relatively the same. 

This is why, it’s so important to control your rate of closure throughout the impact zone. Small degrees of change can result in quite significant curvature amounts. So, if you learned anything in this article, pay attention to your face angle more!

Wrap Up 

I hope you enjoyed this article on downswing motions or positions that affect curvature. Again, there are so many more positions and motions that affect curvature. This is why we are creating Webinars and courses to help explain all of these articles in further detail. If you enjoyed this article please share it with your friends. As well, if you have your own blog feel free to reference this article and link back to it. I look forward to seeing you in the next article!

Thank you, 


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