


The original English blog written by Kiwicoach is below.









⑴KiwiMSG プロセス



なので、飛球法則(Ball Flight Laws)についてもっと学べるんだと期待していた皆様には申し訳ありませんが、このシリーズでは、内容をもう少しシンプルにしようと思っています。ですが、将来的には、「どのようにトラックマンのデータを分析・利用できるか」に特化したウェビナーとオンラインコースを作成する予定で、その時、効率のいいスイングの動きやポジションをターゲットにするため、この分析を用いようと思っています。ですので、このブログで、これから行っていくシリーズでは、トラックマンの分析のパートを飛ばさせていただく代わりに、どの動きやポジションが4大スイング要素に影響を及ぼしているかお話しします。ご了承ください。





*モーターラーニングとは。。。Motor Learningとは運動学習のことです。身体や身体の一部を使って目的を達成するためには、脳が筋肉に信号を送り体の部分を動かす必要があります。これをどう効果的にパフォーマンスに繋げるかです。












”Learning the KiwiMSG Theory Process”


I hope that you are all enjoying these articles about the KiwiMSG Theory. I wanted to do a quick article discussing the process I am currently walking you through in each article. Below, you will find the main topics of this article.

1. KiwiMSG Process So Far

2. KiwiMSG Process What to Expect In The Future

KiwiMSG Process Step by Step

So, to start out you probably noticed that the initial articles were all on how to measure the four swing elements. The reason for me starting out this series this way was to highlight the importance of measuring your golf swing first. Again, without a clear measurement you will not be able to make the correct analysis of your current golf swings performance. Hence, you will then not be able to find the correct golf swing motions or positions that will help your golf swings performance.

That being said, we are now teaching you how to analyze your golf swing. To do this, we decided to take the approach of highlighting common swing positions and motions that affect the four swing elements we have already measured. Now, the reason why I decided to take this approach was because I know not many of you will have a Launch Monitor or consistent access to one. So, I decided the best approach was to give you the answers utilizing a 2D video approach.

So, for everyone who was set on learning more about ball flight laws I apologize. For this particular series we will be keeping it slightly more simplified. However, we will have courses and Webinars specifically on how to analyze TrackMan Data points. Then use this analysis to target the effective Swing motions or positions. We will notify everyone once these Webinars and courses are available. Again, for this series we will skip the TrackMan analysis phase and just give you guys the answers to which swing motions or position affect the four swing elements.

KiwiMSG Process What to Expect In The Future

Now, moving forward throughout this series we will start to transition into the discussion of Motor Learning. See, once you have found out the correct positions or motions that you want to change. It’s now time to learn the process of actually implementing these positions or motions into your current golf swing. This process in itself is incredibly difficult and will take quite a bit of articles to understand.

After we teach you how to implement these new motions into your golf swing, it’s then time to start the discussion of how to practice. Now, the implementing phase and the practice phase go hand and hand. However, there is enough unique information for both topics that I decided to break them up for this series.

Last, once we have finished the practice session it’s time to move into the “Bring It To The Course” section. This is where we start showing you how to bring all the information you learned out to the course. Again, this section will be a pretty long one and will take quite a few articles to get all the information out.

Wrap Up

So, to wrap this article up I hope you now can see the process that we are taking you through for our KiwiMSG Theory series. Throughout this series we will be creating Webinars and Courses that will allow you to get more information than what was discussed in each article. The amount of information in the Courses and Webinars will be staggering and I can’t wait to launch them here in the future.

Next article we will be getting back into common swing motions and positions that affect curvature. Please make sure to share this article if you found it valuable. As well, if you have your own blog please feel free to reference this article in your blog. I’ll see you guys next article!

Thank you,


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