


The original English blog written by Kiwicoach is below.





















まず、どんなスタン幅がナロウな(狭い)部類に入るのかご説明します。以前おこなったP1-P4のウェビナーでは、スタンス幅について話している7分のセクションがあります。 もしウェビナーの録画ファイルを購入したい場合はこちらからご購入いただけます。(P1-P4 Webinar) さて、このナロウなスタンス幅の範囲は使用クラブによって変わってきます。今回は7番アイアンを使用する程でお話しします。全てのクラブの詳細が知りたい場合は、この先に行う予定のウェビナー(ウッド編)をお待ちください。













”Why Set Up Matters… A Look Into Correlation”


I hope you enjoyed last article, the corridors of success is a fascinating concept and one that I use in every lesson I teach. This particular article, we will be discussing two common set up positions that can affect your contact. Below, you will find the main points to this article.

1. Sternum to Pelvis Ratio

2. Stance Width

Sternum to Pelvis Ratio

Now, if you guys read last article you know that you can get away with more incorrect motions or positions around set up than you could at P6. That being said, I still strongly believe in the importance of getting the correct Sternum to Pelvis ratio. First, let’s explain what this is for the readers who don’t know what I’m referencing.

The Sternum to Pelvis Ratio is the amount of bend or tilt the sternum has relative to the center of the pelvis. To give you an easy reference to this, please imagine Tiger Woods when he hits a driver. If you pull up once of Tiger’s swing you will notice that his sternum is behind the center of the pelvis. Please reference the buttons on Tiger’s shirt, and then draw a straight line down towards the ground. Again, you should see that this line does not line up with the center of the pelvis.

So, for Tiger in this example his Sternum to Pelvis Ratio is negative or behind the center of the pelvis. Now, is this a bad thing? Well, it depends completely on the club that you are using. For a Driver, you want to strike the ball with an ascending blow. So, moving your sternum behind the center of the pelvis at set up is a good thing. However, with an iron we want a descending blow. So, the same sternum position now becomes a “position” that now needs a compensation to get the sternum in a place where the player can successfully utilize a descending blow.

To drive this point home, I want all of you readers to grab an iron and set up like Tiger Woods is with his driver. Now, make a swing where you keep the sternum in the same place throughout the whole golf swing. You will probably notice that it is very difficult to descend into the golf ball. Again, this is simply because the sternum is behind the center of the pelvis. To be able to effectively hit down on the golf ball from this position, you would have to move your sternum in line with the center of the pelvis somewhere before impact. This is a “compensation”, which I strongly believe the more compensations the less consistent the golf swing. 

Now, there is much more we could cover on the sternum to pelvis ratio. However for this article we will wrap it up here. Let’s move on to stance width. 

Stance Width 

To preface this section I think it’s fair to note that many great swings have quite a varying stance width at set up. However, this does not mean that there is a range that we see among great swings. This particular section I want to give you these ranges and a little explanation behind the reason why I recommend them. 

First, let’s start with what range is too narrow. Again, in our P1-P4 Webninar we had a whole 7 minute section dedicated to stance width. I will leave the link here (P1-P4 Webinar), if you wish to purchase the Webinar and view checkpoints for P1-P4. Now, too narrow for my preference varies for different clubs. This particular article we will just be discussing a seven iron, so if you want to know all of the clubs you will have to wait for all our Webinars and courses. 

Too narrow for a seven iron is when the inside part of the heels is one inch away from the neck or closer. The reason why this is an issue for contact is because it creates an unstable foundation to make a movement that requires speed and power. Think about it this way, would you want to be driving a wooden car 150 mph down the highway? Or, would you feel much safer in a modern car that has the proper hydraulics and frame for this speed? It’s the same with the golf swing, you will be using speed, power, force, torques, etc and you need to make sure you have established an adequate base to swing from. 

Now, too wide for a seven iron is when the inside part of the heels is anywhere on the shoulder line or outside of the shoulder line. I want all the readers to pick up a club and take a wide stance like I have referenced. You will probably find that you are limited in your ability to move your pressure throughout the swing. This is because you have widened your base to a point where the center of mass is actually now restricted in it’s movement. This is the opposite “bad”, of a narrow stance. 

So, to wrap up this section please make sure to understand the proper checkpoints for stance width. Now, is it as important as P6 and the downswing? I would argue for the majority of golfers no. However, don’t completely neglect your foundation because you might find it hard to control your contact. 

Wrap Up 

So, there are many more positions in set up that could potentially affect contact. However, we will only be covering these two for this article. If you want to learn more, please keep reading as well wait for our courses and Webinars. Also, please make sure to share this article with your friends. As well, if you have your own blog please feel free to use my article as a reference. 

Thank you,


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