


*The original English article is below.




前回の記事ではP1-P10までのポジションシステムを掘り下げてお話しました。わたしのP1-P10チェックポイントのウェビナー はもうご覧いただけましたでしょうか?皆さんの練習の助けになると強く思っています。









まず、今回お話する2つの動き以外にもフェイスコンタクトに影響を及ぼすダウンスイングの動きはたくさんあるんです。わたしがウェビナー やオンライン学習コースを作成しようと思った理由はこれです。ですが、今回お話するこの2つの動きが1番よく見られるケースだと思います。つまり、この症状が見られるクライアントはかなり高い確率でインパクトのフェイスコンタクト(打点のコントロール)で苦しんでいるということになります。
























“Hand Path Out Will Ruin Your Game…”


Last article we discussed the P1-P10 system more in depth. I hope that all of you reading have purchased our Webinars on P1-P10 Checkpoints. We strongly believe these Webinars are incredible assets to help you with your practice. This particular article we will now move on to swing motions that affect the data points we have discussed in other articles. More specifically, this article will be 2 downswing motions that affect Contact. Below you will find the main points to this article.

1. Hand Path Outwards in Transition

2. Club Head Behind at P6

Hand Path Outwards In Transition

First off, there are much more downswing motions that affect contact than the two we will be discussing today. This is why we are creating courses and Webinars around all of these articles. Now, that being said, these two downswing motions are absolutely two of the most common motions we see affect contact on the downswing. This means that whenever we see clients using these motions, there is a strong possibility they will also be struggling with contact.

Now, when I’m discussing Hand Path in transition I’m talking about a motion. So, a motion is really the movement of a body part or club part throughout two or more positions. For me, transition is measured from P4 to P5. So, when I say the Hand Path moves outwards towards the golf ball in transition, this means that by P5 the middle of the hands is in front of the sternum. This has become popularized by instructors who are teaching the Japanese GG Swing.

To understand why this affects contact you need to first understand the law of inertia. When an object is put into motion, it will want to stay in motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. This just simply means that when you move your hands towards the golf ball, they will want to continue moving in that direction unless you physically try to stop them.

Now, in the golf swing the hand path must move outwards towards the golf ball. However, if the middle of the hands is in front of the sternum by P5 it will take an incredible amount of force to stop this movement. As well, the later in the golf swing you are, the more difficult it is to start physically applying forces and torques to the golf club. This means, that you will have to start utilizing an incredible amount of force throughout your body to start directing your hands away from the golf ball.

Finally, this means that you will start to become unstable due to this excessive adding of force. And, ultimately you will start to lose control of the golf club. When you lose control of the golf club you can not control the bottom of the swing, or the direction the club is entering into the golf ball. Essentially, you will struggle with your contact. To wrap this section up, just understand that yes the hand path needs to move outwards towards the golf ball. However, if it moves too far outwards to the ball too early. It will be come increasingly difficult to control the movement of the golf club. Hence, you will become unstable and struggle with contact. Again, there is much more to cover on this subject and that’s why we are creating courses and Webinars that will explain this in more detail.

Club Head Behind at P6

Now, last section we were discussing a motion. However, this section we are now discussing a position. Again, a position is measured at one specific moment of time. A motion, is measured throughout multiple moments of time. If you are not aware of what P6 is, we recommend that you go read the last article about the P1-P10 system.

When I’m referencing the club head behind at P6, I have very specific ranges for this. When the middle of the sweet spot is anywhere behind the middle of the foot this can be thought of as the club head behind at P6. Now, you have probably been seeing many Japanese Instructors teaching this type of motion. However, we here at Kiwi Golf Academy strongly believe that if a client actually starts doing this motion they will struggle significantly. Again, this does not mean that the “feeling” of this motion is bad for some of you. It means, that if you actually start doing it, it will be an issue.

If you understood the last concept of the law of inertia, then this example will also make a lot of sense to you. See, eventually the club head has to move outwards towards the golf ball. If it didn’t you would never hit the golf ball and would probably be very frustrated. So, that being said there needs to be some sort of torque applied to the club head to move it outwards towards the golf ball. (If you don’t understand torque, or forces I will link to one our good friends Taskuku Matsumoto Sans YouTube. He is a kinetics expert, and has a great series of videos that you will find helpful.)

Now, if we can remember that the later in the downswing the harder it is to apply forces and torques. We can really start to understand why we don’t want the club head to be too far behind at P6. It will become increasingly difficult to apply the appropriate amount of torque on the club head to pitch it out in front of the hands and direct it towards the golf ball. To give you a simple example of this think about driving in a car. Let’s pretend that you are supposed to make a left turn at the end of the street. However, you are on a call with your boss and get distracted. You realize that you are about to miss your turn so you really quickly try to turn left. You will probably have the sensation of a loss of control. You can feel your whole body moving in the car seat, and the car does not feel stable. This is essentially what is happening when you get the club head too far behind at P6.

To wrap this section up, just realize that if the middle of the sweet spot is behind the middle of the shoe at P6 you will struggle with your contact. Again, it is so important to be in “manageable” positions later in on the downswing. The more “UN-manageable”, these positions are, the more inconsistent you will be with your contact and control of the other three swing elements.

Wrap Up

So, I hope you enjoyed this article on the two common swing motions or positions that affect contact. Like I said earlier, there is so many more downswing motions that affect contact. However, I wanted to start with these two because they are very common in the Japanese clients I’m currently teaching. In the future, we will have courses and Webinars that will discuss all these articles in more detail.

In the meantime please continue to read my articles! Also, if you could please share these articles to your friends. We appreciate your support!

Thank you,


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